Webinar  •  Event report

ONLINE WORKSHOP: Bounce back together the day after! A live experience of the Appreciative Inquiry approach

In recent times, our sensation of being in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity) world has increased. Somehow, we all managed to go through this weird time, sometimes thinking to ourselves: “Am I really living this?”.

One of our greatest learning is that we all belong to a community, a system that maintain our need of social relationship, even remotely. At that point, the question is: what do we want to keep from this challenging past weeks? What did we learn about our hidden resources? Together with certified coaches, Marie-Liesse Calméjane and Emmanuelle Le Strat, this webinar highlighted the fact that we’re all able to build resilience and to remember the motto, "Appreciate the best of what is!"

What is Appreciative Inquiry?

The Appreciative Inquiry is a method of developing organizations and teams, which began in the late 80s in the US, seeking resources, successes, positive experiences in everyone, in the company and its environment. It rests first and foremost on the art of asking unconditionally positive questions. By focusing on the positive energy, it is possible to identify the success factors and thus avoid any form of diagnosis, criticism or negative point of view.

This workshop aimed to show participants how to:

  • Reconnect with what was good and should be preserved after circuit breaker
  • Share with peers and discover what you have in common
  • Create together a vision of your ideal team engagement
  • Get out with your own milestones and commitment plan
  • Understand why Appreciative Inquiry is so powerful


Thank you to our speakers and participants!


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