Event report

Past Event | CEO Tech Club - Raising Awareness About Returning to France

The CEO Tech Club kicked-off the year with a convivial roundtable around the intricacies of going back to France after several years of expatriation.

This session opened the discussion on the challenges and opportunities related to relocation, and the implication both on professional & personal sides.

A great opportunity for our members to connect and engage around inspiring talks.

The CEO Tech Club is an initiative from the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and co-presidents Eric Barbier -TripleA,  JC Bouglé – FewStones, Denis Branthonne – Novade which gathers more than 50 French CEOs or Founders from the Tech Industry.

For more information about The CEO Tech Club, please contact Alice Boulard aboulard(@)fccsingapore.com

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