Event report

Past Event| Inspirational Women Leaders' Series #5

We were delighted to welcome our esteemed speakers, Karine Alquier-CaroArea VP South East Asia at  Legrand , and Venaig Solinhac, SVP, CEO Adva and CMO Re-Foods, Olam Ventures, for the 5th session of Inspirational Women Leaders' Series. 

Thank you for being both inspirational and genuine in sharing your career highlights as well as your challenges and aspirations for women in leadership. Thank you also to Benjamin CrocCofounder and CEO at BrioHR, for skilfully moderating the session.

Key takeaways: 

  • “Don’t ask, don’t get”: be proactive, dare to ask and be clear about your objectives. Managers cannot guess your aspirations if you are not upfront about it
  • Set boundaries and make your role work for you. Be confident that the company will adapt to your needs and don’t feel pressured to follow your predecessor’s work and management style
  • Leading by example and be present when you are work and at home. Prioritise “quality over quantity”
  • Coaching and mentorship can greatly help in knowing yourself and finding your strengths and weaknesses. This will help build your brand and your career

This event was kindly sponsored by our Committee Partner BNP Paribas.

For more information about the Women in Business committee, contact Vanessa Hobbs vhobbs@fccsingapore.com. 


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