Event report
Past Event | InvestHER: Empowering Women to Build Wealth
Our recent Women in Business Committee meeting focused on an insightful topic: "InvestHER: Empowering Women to Build Wealth."
Thank you to our speaker Danielle Teboul for sharing her valuable perspectives and breaking down the stigma of women talking about their finances. Her market and investment tips for financial independence were truly enlightening.
Please find below key learnings from this session:
- Even though investing can be a confusing topic to navigate, the top financial regret for women is not investing more
- Key principles before investing include budgeting and being aware of your cashflow, assets & debts- these will help you define your financial goals and help you decide on the amount you need to invest
- Always keep in mind that diversification is important- one type of investment will not always stay on top
- Whilst markets may be volatile short-term, we can weather the storm by planning our investments long-term. Bull markets tend to outlive bear markets, which is great for investors
- Financial planning, such as being aware of your assets, liabilities, having a will & LPA in place, is essential for successful investing
This event was supported by our Committee Partner, BNP Paribas.
Thank you to our attendees for engaging in a fruitful discussion.
For more information about Women in Business Committee, contact Vanessa Hobbs vhobbs@fccsingapore.com