Event report

Past Event | SEA ASIA 2023: Networking Session at French Pavilion

Lots of energy at the Networking Event organised at the French Pavilion powered by the French Chamber of Commerce Singapore during the SEA ASIA 2023.

This is the first time a French Pavilion is present during an important week dedicated to the maritime industry and signifies our commitment to further enhancing French savoir-faire in the maritime industry and establishing France as a key player in the global maritime sector. Its was a great opportunity for our partners and members to gather and connect with key players from France and the local ecosystem.

Thank you to our Partners Cluster Maritime Français,  Pôle Mer Méditerranée,  Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique,  GICAN  along with our Exhibitors: Cetim - Matcor Technology & Services Pte Ltd Delair Marine GTT (Gaztransport&Technigaz),  Kinéis,  MAURIC PROCONECT,  Registre International Français (RIF)  .

Thank you to CMA CGM for sponsoring this event and the French Pavilion.

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