Event report

Sustainability & Responsibility Club - March 2021

On 12 March, we held a closed group discussion for CEOs and senior leaders in charge of sustainability in their organizations.


Key discussions included:

  • Seeing a re-organisation of sustainability projects across companies  
  • Higher shipping demand which creates strain on sustainability. Consumption pattern has changed with the rise of ecommerce
  • Change conversation from "greenwashing" to real change
  • Upstream: how to influence supply chains and improve transparency in audits given the current situation
  • Hospitality industry challenge: the rise of plastic usage in the current pandemic environment
  • Banking industry challenge: there are now dedicated sustainability discussions, not just a side topic anymore. The challenge is to bridge finance teams with sustainable projects as they must review and prioritise budgets
  • How to formulate thought leadership at organisations' board level leaders


Thank you Schneider Electric for hosting the session on site and for the refreshments!



The Sustainability & Responsibility Club is an exclusive platform for persons in charge of corporate responsibility in their organisation, to meet on a regular basis and exchange among peers their experiences, challenges, issues, and best practices in confidentiality. 

For more information, please contact Karine Cadiou.

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