Event report

Webinar | Singapore-France Joint Innovation Call

The Singapore-France Joint Innovation Call offers French and Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint innovation projects with each other. We are looking for proposals focusing on developing innovative products and applications in any technological area.

In this presentation, our speakers discussed the following:

• Nolwenn Simonot, Key Account Manager Innovation, and Amina Zakhnouf , International Innovation Development Manager, at Bpifrance: Introduced the purpose of the Joint Innovation call, and explained the requirements and application process on Bpifrance's side

• Navjeev Singh, Development Partner at Enterprise Singapore: Explained the requirements and application process on Enterprise Singapore's side

• Aude Simon, Head of Business Development at The French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore: Presented on the French Chamber's Business Matchmaking Services

• Lynne Loh, Senior Manager at the IPI Singapore: Discussed IPI’s business matching process for this call 

• Marie-Anne Pinet, Regional French Tech Attachée (ASEAN): Talked about how La French Tech can support the partner search process for Singapore/France companies


Thank you to all our speakers and participants!

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