Webinar  •  Event report

WEBINAR: United We Fell, Divided We Will Rise

The global economy started 2020 on a difficult note. The COVID-19 global pandemic and lockdowns in response resulted in an unprecedented shock across the world and disruptions to supply chains with major rise in insolvencies across industries. 

Countries across the world are now lifting confinement measures, with gradual resumption of economic activities. This recovery is likely to be uneven across economies and sectors. Who are the drivers and the laggards? What risks lie ahead, for countries and companies? How will global trade be different as the world reopens?

Alexis Garatti, Global Head of Research and Françoise Huang, Senior Economist for Asia-Pacific, Euler Hermes gave the participants the following key takeaways:

  • Global macroeconomic outlook – outlook of economies worldwide and the future of global trade
  • Asia Pacific outlook - Impact of lockdowns on APAC supply chains and China’s growth
  • ASEAN outlook  – what it means for your business as ASEAN economies reopen

Thank you Alexis and our participants for joining the webinar!


Please view the webinar replay below:

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