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Working in Singapore as a Dependant's Pass holder

Dependant’s Pass holders who wish to work in Singapore can apply for a work pass to do so.

In response to questions from members of The French Chamber about Dependant's Pass (DP) holders wishing to work in Singapore, we have received the attached factsheet from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), which provides DP holders and their prospective employers with clear information on the work pass options available.


DP holders are welcome to work in Singapore, and have access to a wide range of work passes listed in the table in Annex. Recognising that DP holders already in Singapore can contribute to our economy, MOM also provides additional facilitation for DP holders.

• Many DP holders have successfully obtained a regular work pass since 1 May 2021. Among those DP holders who were previously working on an LOC, the vast majority who applied for a regular work pass have been successful in their applications.

• DP holders who participate in volunteering activities do not need to apply for a work pass if: (i) no payment is involved; and (ii) the activities are for a charitable purpose.”

MOM is happy to assist you if you have any further questions on working in Singapore as a DP holder. You may contact MOM at our hotline on Tel: 6438 5122 or submit an online enquiry.


SOURCE: Ministry of Manpower


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