Business Missions

You wish to explore the market and identify the business opportunities of Singapore and more broadly of the Southeast Asian region?

Why choose us?

  • Historical presence in Singapore (40th anniversary in 2019) with detailed knowledge of the markets and business practices 
  • Animation of a very dynamic network of over 750 companies and individual members, always keen to share insights, contacts, tips…
  • Direct access to C-level representatives 
  • Strong relationships with government agencies and professional associations
  • Solid local reputation to support your project
  • Bicultural team of Business Development Managers mastering the local codes and able to target the best potential partners

Team France Export

Since 1st January 2019, The French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore partners with Business France to offer, within a public-private agreement “Team France Export”, business solutions to French SMEs and mid-sized companies to develop internationally

The French Chamber of Commerce is proud to have been chosen to support French SMEs and mid-sized companies in their development and to join Team France Export. Through its longstanding and strong relationships with the French ecosystem and the Singapore’s economic and industrial environment, the FCCS will contribute to accelerate the development of business relations between France and Singapore.”  - Pascal Lambert, Former President of the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. 

Our main services

  1. Market Study

Objective: Determine the relevance of your project, grasp the obstacles and identify the new opportunities in the targeted market

  • Understand Key Success Factors of your product/service
  • Analyze the existing market (key figures of the macro-economic context, trends…) 
  • Analyze the supply and demand (competitors, market shares…)
  • Identify opportunities & risks
  • Define all regulations and legislation in force
  • Evaluate your potential according to the collected data

       2. Interest/product testing

Objective: Collect information on the leading operators/competitors of the local market and present your offer to a selection of prospects

  • Identification and selection of contacts 
  • Creation of the interview guide and definition of evaluation criteria
  • Presentation of your products/services and evaluation of the level of interest
  • Summary of feedback and recommendations

       3. Business matching

Objective:  Search and identify potential business partners 

  • Identify your prospection objectives
  • Analyse your products / services
  • Define your targets and sectors
  • Create a sales approach letter
  • Create a listing corresponding to your targets and sectors
  • Approach targeted prospects and confirm interest
  • Schedule meetings and organise meeting agenda
  • Assistance in meetings
  • Business follow-up

        4. Other tailored services: 

Objective: To adapt our services to your needs according to your strategy 

Example: Business Events Organisation, Opening Ceremony, Learning Expeditions 


Discover our sectors of expertise



Témoignage - Mission de prospection - VPI

La Team France Export de la Chambre de Commerce Française de Singapour a apporté son expertise et son soutien à VPI, dans sa démarche de prospection à...


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