Event report

Past Event | CEO Tech Club - Open discussion on AI/ML

Thank you to Arnaud Liotta, Founder & Owner at Xalnia, and Laurent Fabry, Founder & Managing director at DiGital Content Technologies  for animating this session about integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) to businesses. This session focused on : overview on AI/ML trends , use of AI in businesses including opportunities and threats, and experience sharing (achievements and challenges).

The CEO Tech Club is an initiative from the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and co-presidents Eric Barbier -TripleA,  JC Bouglé – FewStones, Denis Branthonne – Novade which gathers more than 50 French CEOs or Founders from the Tech Industry.

For more information about the CEO Tech Club, please contact Alice Boulard aboulard(@)fccsingapore.com.



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